Best Dog Wormers 2019

Finding worms in your dog’s feces is a moment of pure horror. If you notice worms in your dog’s feces or a vet tells you your pup has worms, it’s reasonable to want the best wormer available. These aren’t just minor inconveniences for your dog; worms can lead to serious problems if left untreated.

How Do I Know My Dog Has Worms?

Most pet owners find out when their vet advises them that their dog has worms. But, there are other ways to tell. If you’ve noticed that your dog is acting a little strange, keep an eye out for these symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Coughing
  • Dull coat
  • Eating large amounts of food with no weight gain
  • Dark urine
  • Scooting

Scooting is the tell-tale sign of most worms in the intestinal tract. It’s important to identify and treat worms right away. Aside from the symptoms of worms listed above, you can also find traces of them in your dog’s feces. Little white spears that look like grains of rice are a clear sign your dog has worms.

Finding Value

Tapeworms, round worms and other parasitic diseases love dogs. They’re so common that many puppies are born with tapeworms. If you don’t fix the issues right away, these minor parasites can lead to long-term health issues for your four-legged friend.

Although you could immediately rush to your veterinarian for a prescription many vets are now recommending over-the-counter treatment. Now, if you’re a well-seasoned dog mom or dad, you know that this is an issue that will keep coming back, so over-the-counter treatment is just easier.

The question is, how do you know which treatment is right for your dog?


Your dog’s age will be one of the determining factors when it comes to choosing a dog wormer for you. Many dewormers aim to treat young-adult to middle-aged dogs. However, because puppies and elderly dogs are just as susceptible to worms as any other age, you might need a formula more specific to your dog’s age.

Young puppies are exceptionally at risk. Most over-the-counter dog wormers are too powerful for little puppies to handle. They can get incredibly sick, and most of the time the medication doesn’t work because of


Many prescriptions and over-the-counter medications for worms distinguish dosage by the size of your pup. Always check the dosage and recommended sizes before making a purchase. You want to ensure that your four-legged friend is in the right size range for the medication you’re planning on buying.

Most vets explain the importance of proper dosage, but you can probably figure that out for yourself. Because your car for your furry friend, follow all dosage directions thoroughly.


You want a powerful dog wormer. You need strength and efficiency when it comes to attacking the pesky parasites. For your dog, you need a wormer that acts fast, performs as well as prescription medications and has virtually no side effects.

More than anything else you want a dewormer that attacks tapeworms, hookworms and roundworms. Although it’s difficult to identify which type of worms your dog has it’s always possible that they have multiple worms. Hookworms and roundworms are extremely difficult to identify, but if you see signs of tapeworms in your dog’s stool, it’s always better to assume they have more than just tapeworms.

Top 5 Dog Wormers

You want your dog to be comfortable again as soon as possible. We’ve found the top 5, and we’re sure that you’ll find the right dewormer for you and your pup.

1. Durvet 12-pack Triple Wormer Tablets

[img_products img_code=”91DgcbGNNLL” alt=”Durvet 12-pack Triple Wormer Tablets” code=”B002GJZVCK” reviews=”View on Amazon”]
  • No prescription necessary
  • Attacks 7 strains of worms

This dog wormer is a great solution for medium and large-sized dogs as long as they weight over 25 pounds. The Durvet 12-pack triple wormer tablets are cheaper than most other options and have virtually no side effects.

You don’t need a prescription, and the chewable tablets are hard for your dog to detect. If you’ve noticed that your dog can sniff out a pill in a cube of cheese, wormer medications are tough to sneak past them. This tablet chews easily.

Dogs love that there’s no rough administration, and dog parents love that it eliminates hookworms, roundworms, and tapeworms. But, the Durvet 12-pack triple wormer tablets also help protect against heartworms which can cause major health issues without treatment.

Overall, we like that this treatment is aimed at medium to large sized dogs of mixed breeds. We know that your dog probably spends any time outdoors getting into all sorts of unknown place and this treatment can eliminate the worms they pick up when you’re not looking.

We don’t like the price or that this treatment isn’t for dogs under 25 pounds. Because this is meant for small dogs many pet owners will find themselves having to purchase 2 different treatments if they have multiple dogs. This treatment also isn’t suitable for puppies or elderly dogs as it can be rough on their digestive system.

Overall, this wormer is great for dogs that are a mixed breed. The tablets are easy to administer and help strengthen the immune system as well. If you follow the dosage directions properly, you’ll see virtually no side effects.

However, you might notice slight diarrhea in older dogs as they systems can’t handle the same stresses that younger dogs can. This broad-spectrum wormer target and attacks 7 different strains of worms. Possibly the best selling point is that this treatment works as a preventative measure against heartworms.

2. Excel 8-in-1 Safe-Guard Canine Dewormer

[img_products img_code=”91eu7RPqgGL” alt=”Excel 8-in-1 Safe-Guard Canine Dewormer” code=”B000FPH2FQ” reviews=”View on Amazon”]
  • Treats tapeworms, hookworms, whipworms, and roundworms
  • Easy to feed
  • Safe for puppies

The Excel 8-in-1 Safe-Guard Canine Dewormer is a favorite among dog owners. It’s a commercial wormer that’s available over-the-counter and doesn’t require a prescription. You can easily mix the treatment into your dog’s food, and they won’t suspect a thing.

Because the Excel 8-in-1 Safe-Guard Canine Dewormer is easy to administer they’re a favorite among dog owners that have picky pets. This wormer is a solution for tapeworms and whipworms. It targets nearly all common worms but doesn’t offer the same benefits of protecting against heartworms that we’ve seen in other options here.

The Excel 8-in-1 Safe-Guard Canine Dewormer works great for your furry friend as long as they’re under 40 pounds. We liked the clear instruction and easy packaging because each pouch treats up to 40 pounds.

We also like that the treatment only needs 3 doses. One dose per day for 3 days in a row and your dog will be worm free. You can mix this product with nearly any treat or food, and it works great in peanut butter as well.

There’s nothing to dislike from the Excel 8-in-1 Safe-Guard Canine Dewormer. Although it would be a bonus if it could work on larvae, we don’t want to ask too much of such a great product.

This one downfall isn’t a reason to move onto another option. Many dog wormers don’t target larvae and can require multiple rounds of treatment to remove any freshly hatched remaining worms completely.

The Excel 8-in-1 Safe-Guard Canine Dewormer works well for any dog weighing up to 40 pounds which covers many breeds. Although it doesn’t prevent heartworms, it attacks 8 different types of worms and is easy to administer. The granules work into any treat or food well and are difficult for your dog to sniff out and avoid.

The formula is great for puppies and elderly dogs because it’s easy on their digestive system. Overall, this is a great solution for any worm problem.

3. Panacur Fenbendazole Canine Dewormer

[img_products img_code=”81LI1zMsNFL” alt=”Panacur Fenbendazole Canine Dewormer” code=”B000296N7S” reviews=”View on Amazon”]
  • 3-day results
  • Great for elderly dogs
  • Targets ticks and worms

The Panacur Fenbendazole Canine Dewormer uses fenbendazole as it’s primary ingredient and it provides immediate improvement for any worm situation. You can keep your dog free of worms and avoid many trips to the vet with this solution.

The Panacur Fenbendazole Canine Dewormer is known for being easy to digest which is great for older dogs. Additionally, it’s meant to mix with wet dog food. But you can also mix it with dry dog food if you add a bit of water and mash the food gently. Overall this is a high-quality solution which ensures that your dog is worm free.

What makes the Panacur Fenbendazole Canine Dewormer unique from other dog wormers is that it’s great for pregnant dogs as well. Your dog will be happy, and healthy throughout her pregnancy!

Another feature of the Panacur Fenbendazole Canine Dewormer that makes it stand out is that it targets ticks as well. This over-the-counter dewormer works wonders in just 3 days.

The downside of the Panacur Fenbendazole Canine Dewormer is that it doesn’t have particularly clear dosage directions. If you’re not sure, you should always call your vet. But with the proper dosage, your dog should be on their way to being worm-free within 3 days.

We’ve also found that many dogs dislike the taste and will refuse to eat food mixed with the Panacur Fenbendazole Canine Dewormer. If you have a picky dog, this might not be the right choice for you.

If you want to take your sad, unhappy, lethargic dog and revitalize their energy, this is the perfect solution. When worms are keeping your dog down, the Panacur Fenbendazole Canine Dewormer can help perk them up. The fast-acting solution provides results in just 3 days.

The formula attacks a variety of worm types and other parasites, such as ticks, as well. The product comes in powder packets which are easy to mix into food and treats. The dosage states “1 gram per 10 pounds of weight” now this becomes difficult because many people don’t have a gram scale at home. However, a quick call to the vet can offer some insight.

4. Quad Dewormer Large Dogs Chewable Tablets

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  • Removes common tapeworm
  • Chewable tablets
  • For large dogs

Somehow it seems that larger dogs get into more stuff that has worms, smaller dogs don’t seem to have the same problems. But these chewable tablets specifically cater to the size of larger dogs as well as their digestive system. If you’re on a budget, you should seriously consider this wormer option.

The Quad Dewormer Chewable Tablets appeal most to medium and large breeds. This wormer specifically targets hookworms which are notorious for being difficult to get rid of.

We love that the Quad Dewormer Chewable Tablets have no side effects. As long as you follow the dosage, your god won’t even notices they’re being given medication. The other positive aspect of this formula is that unlike most other medications this wormer is FDA approved.

We don’t like that there’s not a small dog variety because hookworms can be such a problem in small breeds as well. This formula is not suitable for puppies. So, if you’re dealing with a puppy or small dog, this formula is not an option for you.

The Quad Dewormer Chewable Tablets are easy to administer and work best on large breeds. They target a variety of worms that are common in dogs and eliminates tapeworms. The formula attacks whipworms as well.

The great thing about this formula is that it won’t mess with your dog’s stomach. There’s no adverse side effect like vomiting or diarrhea. However, the Quad Dewormer Chewable Tablets are only suitable for dogs that weight over 4 pounds.

5. Durvet 12-Pack Small Dog Puppy Wormer

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  • 12-pack
  • Designed for puppies, small breeds and toy breeds
  • Controls 7 worm strains

Another quality product from Durvet this formula caters to puppies and small or toy breeds. Each pack contains 12 tables which work best for people who find that their dogs are constantly getting the worms.

This formula targets tapeworms as well as roundworms. Overall this is a cheaper solution to going to the vet. Of course, if your pup is exhibiting symptoms including scooting, you should always ask for your vet’s advice.

The Durvet 12-pack Small Dog Puppy Wormer is a dog wormer that works on puppies and dogs that weigh between 6 and 25 pounds. It’s also a great option for dogs with sensitive stomachs. If you have a larger breed that has an upset stomach when you give them wormers medication you should consider a puppy formula.

We like that this formula is versatile enough to serve small dogs, puppies, dogs with sensitive stomachs and even cats. This over-the-counter dog wormer uses a blend of chemicals that aren’t harsh but do target most of the common worm types including hookworms and tapeworms.

We don’t like that the Durvet 12-pack Small Dog Puppy Wormer is virtually ineffective in small dogs. Most pet parents are looking for versatility, especially if they have multiple dogs at home. Although this formula caters to puppies and small breeds, it’s not for any dog over 25 pounds.

The Durvet 12-pack Small Dog Puppy Wormer is one of the best options available for puppies and a great solution for worms in small dogs. If you find that your pup is constantly scooting and going to the vet for worm treatment, you should consider this formula as a long-term solution.

Although the Durvet 12-pack Small Dog Puppy Wormer doesn’t target larvae and some of the lesser common worms, it’s a quality purchase. Make sure you always follow the dosage directions according to your pup’s weight.


The Excel 8-in-1 Safe-Guard Canine Dewormed takes the win on this roundup because of many reasons. First and foremost, this dog wormer is suitable for any budget. You don’t need to spend a ton of money to ensure your dog is comfortable again.

Another reason that locked the Excel 8-in-1 Safe-Guard Canine Dewormed into first place was that it’s approved for puppies and elderly dogs. Their sensitive digestive systems are unphased by this formula. It’s a great solution for any dog up to 40 pounds. It prevents 8 different types of works including heartworms, tapeworms, whipworms, and hookworms.

If you see your dog scooting, or a vet tells you that your four-legged friend has worms, the time to treat it is now.

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